A week in the life: April Challenge Recap [Savannah Family Photographer]

April felt like the LONGEST month of the year since we were under a mandatory stay home order, am I right?! I’d be lying if I said I didn't (haven’t!) gone stir crazy being home with a toddler all day. I love him, but he is EXHAUSTING! I’m glad I had this challenge to keep my mind busy though, and this month we got creative with the challenge and had some really fun themes. I also decided to do two videos for this month, which you can see below! I hope you enjoy all of the photos from the weeks in April!

April Weekly Recap

Week 13: yellow. 💛 I really love the color yellow and had a lot of fun with this one! My banana yellow card photo was even featured on the moderators blog, which you can see HERE!

Week 14: diptych. This was a whole new concept for me! A diptych is two images paired together of closely portraits, images, or themed pictures which are often used to off-set one another. I have NEVER done one of these before, so this was definitely a challenge for me!

Week 15: flat lay. This was actually my favorite one to try out by far! I’ve never done of these before so I’m happy with how they came out! This was another one that was chosen to be on the moderators blog too! You can see that image HERE!

Week 16: free week. We could do whatever we wanted to this week so I went a little crazy haha. We had a very intense pirate treasure hunt, played in the sprinkler, and spent a lot of family time playing together so I documented it all this week. Lots of faves for this one!

Ok friends, thats all of the images for the month of April… now for the videos! Here was the first one I made showing him going on a treasure hunt and then making cookies with dad! I also make a small appearance hah. And lastly, what a typical day during the stay home/quarantine era looks like which was filmed during the 6th week of staying home, and we have probably all gone a bit bonkers by then!!! I hope you enjoy the videos below!

Theo, almost age 4, enjoys a day at home on a treasure hunt and making cookies during the life of quarantining for COVID19. April 19, 2020 [song: "a pop of color" by Heather Lee, licensed through music bed]
We may be going a bit stir-crazy, but we're enjoying all of our family time during our 6th week of social distancing life during the end of April 2020. [song: "Gold Rays" by Summer Kennedy; licensed through music bed]