My Munchkin and I [Clarksville Family Photographer]

The other day I shared the story and photos from the very spur of the moment photo session I did for some dear friends (see that HERE), and if you’ve read it, you know that the whole reason those photos happened was because I wanted the ones seen below here!

I had it in my mind that I needed to have some mommy and me photos of my munchkin and I in a field in spring. Why you may ask? Because I try REALLY hard to make sure I “get in the photos” too. This is something you will hear me say over and over again: Moms, PLEASE, make sure you get in the photos you are always taking. Take a minute and ask your hubby, a friend, or use an ever trusty self timer to make sure that there are photos with you and your kiddo(s). I know you very frequently may feel like you’re not “picture worthy” (in which case, I will tell you, you should do a boudoir session to gain back your confidence and own your own beauty…. see this post for a reminder why!), but I promise, 20-30 plus years from now when y’all are looking through family photo albums with your kids and maybe grandkids, you will want to see yourself in the photos, holding tiny little hands and kissing boo-boos, twirling around doing ring-a-round the rosie for the tenth time. These are days you can’t get back momma. Please make sure you have memories saved somewhere outside of just your mind. Get in the picture. No one will care if you’re still working off that last 5-10lbs, or if your hair hadn't been washed in a week.

Anyways. Now that I’ve established why I make sure to get in the photos and why you should too, here’s the final result of my impromptu “hey let’s take photos!” in this pretty field! My dear friend Heather snapped the shutter button for me (I gave her a quick course on how to find focus and what to do, and set up the settings for her) so that I could be in these photos with my adorable little guy. I’m so glad I did this….I love having these memories of both Theo and I (oh and of course our fluffy goldendoodle dog, Pattycakes!), and also Theo with one of his besties (Heather’s daughter Jaylee). Enjoy some of my faves, and be sure to check out the video below! 😘