Welcome home LTC Nischwitz!

Every homecoming is special and unique in their own way. They each have a story of the trials and triumphs that families have faced while their loved one was deployed, and this family definitely had a fair share of each.

LTC Nischwitz deployed to Iraq for 9 months to do what he signed up for: serve this country! While he was away, his beautiful wife, Maria, had their two precious children to care for.. There is no doubt that while he was away, there were a good bit of trials - heartache, kids missing their dad, a wife missing her husband, etc… BUT, so many triumphs trumped those trials - strength was gained, obstacles were overcome, and Maria and the kids learned so much about themselves while their hero was away!

These photos show each of their strengths gained through the deployment, as well as alllllllll the emotions felt a long the way!

Thank you LTC Nischwitz for your service, and WELCOME HOME!