Happy Mother's Day! [Clarksville Family Photographer]

To be a mother is a beautiful thing. The job of a mother is never ending....it doesn't matter if your child is 2 months, 2 years, or 20 years old, they will always be your baby! This job is one of the toughest and most rewarding ever, but you already know that. I wrote a really long post for all my military spouses (see that here), and I feel like the words I said are true for all my mamas out there.

There are all types of mother's among us (dog moms, step moms, soon to be mamas, birth moms, those trying to get pregnant or waiting on adopting moms), and I want to wish you all a very Happy Mother's Day! I love capturing the love of a mother with her babies (and I realized, a lot of my fave photos are of mom's sneaking kisses!) so enjoy some of my fave moms below!