Julie Igo Photography

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The Ramirez Fam [Savannah Engagement Photographer]

Better late then never, am I right!? So this sweet couple found me from a friend, and wanted to squeeze in photos in Tennessee before they moved (yay Army!) to document their time spent here, and y’all, I’m so glad we could make their fall session happen! Most people know that fall is the most chaotic time of year for photographers (it’s like April to Tax Accountants LOL) because everyone wants updated fam photos for those Christmas cards! And in military town, it was also homecoming season (aka my fave since I captured SO many families becoming WHOLE again 😭)….so basically I was doubly busy, haha! Which isn’t a bad thing (heck, its an amazing thing!) but it means my blogging of all these sessions is super late, whichhhhh brings me full circle! 😘

Anyways, enjoy some of my faves of this gorgeous family’s fall session! 💙 I just adored getting to know them both and hope our paths will cross again, because as they say “it’s a small Army!”