Julie Igo Photography

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The Friel Family Film: Big Love Happens in the Small Moments

Friends, if you know me and followed along with me on my photography journey, you probably know that last year I got interested in videography and making family films. I started practicing more during military homecomings and creating family films of my own fam bam over the past year, especially during quarantine era. I've been dying to do a film for someone besides my own little tribe, so I asked a friend here if I could capture some memories of her sweet family (especially as I knew they were getting ready to have to say see you soon to their hero). I've been working on this for a while and honestly am pretty emotional over how it turned out. To the Friel family, thank you for allowing me the honor of capturing these memories for you. And to you all, remember the big love happens in the small moments.

(song: "big love, small moments" by JJ Heller and licensed through music bed)