Julie Igo Photography

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A week in the life: January Photo Challenge Recap [Savannah Family Photographer]

Can you guys believe that January is basically done, and February is just two days away? I can’t! 😱 So many big things have happened this past month, and even more are in store for next month! One of the big things (along with an upcoming move and selling our house! 🙌🏻🏡 ) is that as the new year began, I also began a “week in the life” photo challenge!

You see, this year I decided to do a 52 week photo challenge, meaning each week of the year I will take and share one photo. For me, these photos will be personal photos and not client photos (mostly because last year I really neglected making time to document my own family too)! There’s two fun things with this challenge— one is that this year actually has 366 days and therefore 53 weeks, because its a leap year! And the second is that I’m not doing this all alone! I’m in an online group of photographers to help keep me motivated to do the challenge, as well as providing guidance with a theme. So far its been not only extremely fun, but also VERY inspiring. I just know that I’ll learn and grow so much in my business from this group and challenge! There are so many other talented photographers in it, and I’m loving seeing what they come up with each week too. And in fact, last week I had my photo featured on the admin of the group’s blog (you can check that out here)…. I’m so excited for that feature since you guys, they are just all such amazing artists!

So ok, back to the point! Each week I’ve taken a photo (although, let’s be honest, I take way more then just one 🙃) for the theme, and I can tell it’s already pushing me to be better in my craft! So without further ado, here are the weeks and the themes for each one!

Week One: Goals (my goals for the year are to remember it’s OK to say NO. And in doing so, I can say YES to myself and my family. I want to be more present with them and not burnt out with always trying to do ALL the things ya know? I also want to not care about what others think. Those that matter don’t mind and those that mind don’t matter. Which is easier said then done when you’re a people pleaser like I am!)

Week One and a Half: this wasn’t a real week but because of the leap year, I took a photo this week and just called it a theme of Bedroom!

Week Two: Details (I’m obsessed with Theo’s long, dark eyelashes! He’s so lucky! ✨)

Week Three: Cozy (This bear…y’all may remember that my momma passed away this past year from pancreatic cancer. During the two years she fought it and up till the day she died, she snuggled with this bear every night. I made a film on my second to last visit with her of her telling my son a story and she hugs and kisses the bear like it’s him (cuz he couldn’t come w me that visit— If ya feel like crying it’s here https://vimeo.com/357940256). Anyways, he got snuggled up for nap and he asked for his bear to snuggle with and my heart y’all... That’s why this bear is so important to me. And these photos, gosh. I know my momma would loved them so much.💜)

Week Four: Seeing Double (shooting through the shower door to show us looking in the mirror! Lots of double going on. Plus, every time Theo is done with a bath, I wrap him up in his ducky towel and we look in mirror while I hold him like a baby and I sing and make goofy faces in the mirror with him.)

So there you have it! Those were my top ten photos for each week of this past month! I’m excited to do a monthly recap for you all here to show you my chosen faves for each week’s theme of the challenge. But since I also take so many other photos too, I plan on sharing some other top contenders each month too. This month I had a LOT because I had some down time to really spend documenting my days. We’re preparing to move to Georgia (FINALLY!) in just two weeks, so I stopped taking Tennessee clients so that I had some down time. Naturally, I wanted to still take photos though! Theo has really enjoyed painting and playing in our bedroom, so most of the photos feature him doing, well… just that! I really love them because it’s been so cold here, we have still been able to get some reaalllllly pretty warm, glow lighting in our kitchen and bedroom. It’s made for some indoor portraits of him that I’m just obsessed with! I really try to focus on getting his different expressions and little details. I obviously know I’m biased as his momma, but isn’t he just SO GOSH DANG CUTE!? Anyways, here are some more (ok, well a LOT actually, haha) faves of him from this past month.

And now as we prepare to move, I’m sure my photos for next month will feature LOTS of boxes and a moving van and a new house… Can’t wait!!

Have any of you done a 52 or 365 project before? What helped you stay on track!? You don’t have to be a photographer to do this either! I’d love to hear your thoughts on these below! 😘